

Himalayan Highs

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy / 2016 / Cannabis Now.

Hashish has been produced in India for thousands of years, notably in the Parvati Valley, in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Yet, rather recently, modern hybrid cannabis varieties have appeared in the Parvati Valley.

Illegal Opium Production in the Mishmi Hills of Arunachal Pradesh, India

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy / 2015 / European Bulletin of Himalayan Research.

Illegal opium production in India is likely to have been greatly underestimated for years, as shown by the recent estimates of illegal cultivation in some parts of Arunachal Pradesh. This paper addresses two related issues: by exposing the estimated extent of illegal opium poppy cultivation in Arunachal Pradesh through a review of existing literature as well as first hand empirical work, it suggests that India is probably one the world’s major illegal opium producers.

Hashish Revival in Morocco

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy and Kenza Afsahi / 2014 / International Journal of Drug Policy.

In the past decade cannabis cultivation underwent radical changes that could explain the discrepancy between official Moroccan cultivation and production data on the one hand, and international seizures on the other hand. The “traditional” kif cannabis variety is being rapidly replaced by hybrids with much larger resin yields and much higher potency. This unnoticed phenomenon, which slowly started in the early 2000s, explains how a two-third decline in cannabis cultivation was at least partially compensated for by three to fivefold yield increases.

Drug trafficking in and out of the Golden Triangle

Pierre--Arnaud Chouvy / 2013 /
An Atlas of Trafficking in Southeast Asia.

The Golden Triangle is the name given to the area of mainland Southeast Asia where most of the world’s illicit opium has originated since the early 1950s and until 1990, before Afghanistan’s opium production surpassed that of Burma. Although Burmese opium production has also considerably decreased after 1998, it has nevertheless proven to be geographically and historically resilient. This article explains in detail the emergence and the evolution of the drug traffikcing routes in and out of the Golden Triangle, as well as the anti-trafficking policies and actions undertaken by the regional states.

Introduction: Illegal Trades across National Borders

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy / 2013 /
An Atlas of Trafficking in Southeast Asia.

This book addresses the great diversity and complexity of illegal trading across mainland Southeast Asia, focusing on five of its most pervasive phenomenon: drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms trafficking, wildlife and timber trafficking, and the trade in counterfeit goods and contraband...

L’opium afghan: vingt ans de suprématie mondiale

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy / 2013 / Drogues, enjeux internationaux.

Au moment où les troupes de l’OTAN préparent leur départ d’Afghanistan, prévu pour la fin de l’année 2014, le cinquième numéro de Drogues, enjeux internationaux est consacré à un état des lieux de la situation des opiacés dans ce pays. L’Afghanistan est en effet devenu en l’espace d’une trentaine d’années le premier producteur illicite d’opium au monde, mais aussi
probablement le premier producteur mondial d’une héroïne destinée pour une bonne part au
marché européen. La situation en Afghanistan, au-delà du « grand jeu » stratégique et sécuritaire des grandes puissances au cœur de la région disputée de l’Asie centrale, concerne
donc directement l’Europe, car l’héroïne demeure la substance illicite la plus problématique
en matière de santé publique.
