

Drug Production and Trade

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy / 2003 / Encyclopedia of World Environmental History.

Since the first drugs – psychoactive substances that alter states of consciousness or increase metabolic performance – were found in the plant world, humans have interacted with plants from which drugs are derived in countless relationships between plants and society and between nature and culture.

The ironies of Afghan opium production

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy / 2003 / Asia Times.

Driven by war, poverty and chaos, Afghanistan’s opium production in the wake of the ouster of the Taliban regime is dramatically increasing and seems to be the only avenue by which many Afghans can make a living. Indeed, in a country already characterized by a tortured landscape and harsh climatic conditions, let alone generations of war, the commercial production of opium has been the only means of subsistence available for many peasants in eastern Afghanistan.

The drug trade in Asia

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy / 2002 / Encyclopedia of Modern Asia.

3 articles: Drug trade in Asia; Golden Crescent / Golden Triangle.
